Our Team » Scott Shotton

Scott Shotton

Scott ShottonScott has been in the automotive industry since 1992. Starting with the U.S. Army and expanding from there. To this day, Scott has continued to work on vehicles while pursuing training ventures.

Many years as a technician turning wrenches, attending training, spending time as a trainer for the EPA, teaching for 18 years as a post-secondary college instructor and eventually teaching countless training classes across North America has made Scott a sought-after trainer.

Since 2006 Scott has operated a mobile diagnostic business that keeps him up-to-date with current issues and allows him to train on current technologies. “If I am going to train you how to fix cars then I better be fixing them. Otherwise, I’m just a book and a lab coat.”

Scott has a degree in Automotive Service Technology, currently maintains approximately 30 ASE certifications and also contributes to ASE as a subject matter expert (SME.) He also is a contributing author for multiple industry publications and volunteers his time to industry related ventures.

Contact: scott@driveabilityguys.com